
Episode 114 – Melissa Lizarraga – Cancer Resource Center of the Desert

Today I had the opportunity to talk to the Assistant Director of the Cancer Resource Center of the Desert, Ms. Melissa Lizarraga.  I think most of us in the Imperial Valley have heard of the CRCD and I think most of us don’t really know much of what they do, but unfortunately, some of us […]

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Episode 113 – Michael Anthony Garcia – Edu with You

In today’s episode, I had the opportunity to talk to a local educator and fellow podcaster, my guest for episode 113 is the host of the EDU with You Podcast, Mr. Michael Anthony Garcia.  Growing up in the Imperial Valley teacher was not on Michael’s plans, in his twenties he went to college wanting to

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Episode 112 – Darlene Barballianiz Boggs

In today’s episode I had the opportunity to talk to a very bright and inspiring young lady who now lives in New York but is originally from Calexico, my guest today is Darlene Barballianiz Boggs.  She is currently in New York working as a paralegal for the ACLU, but her journey there has been long

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Que Pasa Calexico! Podcast Episode 94

Episode 94 – Fernando Jaquez – El Buen Samaritano

En este episodio tube le honor de placticar con Fernando Jaquez, pastor del Ministerio Buen Samaritano. Tenia rato siguiendo a Fernando por Instagram y me llamo mucho la atencion la pasion que tiene por ayudar a las personas de Mexicali que mas lo necesita. Si quieren ayudar a Fernando Pueden contactarlos por Facebook y por

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