This week I had the pleasure of talking to someone who I’ve been following for quite a while, he is a Calexico native who even though he no longer lives here he still spends a lot of time here and is proud to say he’s from Calexico. My guest for episode 117 was the amazing Jimmy Dorantes. Growing up Jimmy remembers always wanting to be the one to take the family photos this evolved into this passion, capturing people and moments in life. Jimmy worked for the local papers during his teenage years and in this time he set a goal for himself, he wanted to be published in Time Magazine. He started focusing on taking pictures of life along the border, and growing up on 1st Street here in Calexico he got a front seat at life along the border. He later moved on to taking pictures along he San Isidro/San Diego border, he continued taking pictures of life along the border when he moved to Albuquerque to attend the University of New Mexico. He would visit El Paso on the weekends to take pictures of life along the border. During his college years Jimmy got his 1st picture published, it wasn’t of life along the border but of a beauty pageant. Jimmy has traveled all over the world taking pictures and capturing amazing moments, he published a book with a collection of his best moments. Jimmy is in the process of writing his memoir and planning on putting together another collection of his work so keep an eye out for that. Visit Jimmy Dorantes’ website to see some of his amazing work. Huge thanks to my Anchor Sponsors Camilo Garcia, Jake, Sergio Armenta, Dents on Border, Castillo Bookkeeping, Sergio’s Tacos and Hotdogs and David Gastelum. You can now listen to episode 117 with Jimmy Dorantes on Anchor, Spotify, Google Podcast and Apple Podcast. You can also watch this and other episodes on our YouTube Channel.

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